Friday, April 23, 2010

Getting Your Employees Committed!

First, ask yourself...
Could every single employee of yours accurately recite the company's goals for this year?

When everyone within an organization is working towards achieving one common goal, it significantly helps to develop things such as communication, teamwork, and overall employee motivation and commitment. When this is the case, a strong competitive advantage is created, and a much stronger level of employee engagement throughout the organization will build.

There are many ways to align your employees' thinking so that they are focused on doing whatever they can to help the team accomplish its goals, but the VERY FIRST thing the organization can and should do is simple: Share the goals with employees! If the employees are going to play a role in helping the company accomplish the goals, how can you expect them to do so when EVERYONE is not crystal clear on what they are trying to achieve?

Take a moment to consider how clear your communication has been with employees in regards to overall goals. If you believe there is an opportunity for management to be more open with employees about exact goals and how the organization plans to achieve them, take a moment to re-evaluate your communication approach. Just consider this: If the company has an overall goal of expanding operations into a new state, there is no possible way for an employee to approach her manager with a great idea about how to help the company do that, if she didn't know what the goal was in the first place!

**This week's tip was taken from "Committing to a Common Vision" which is the November session of The Compass Program. Click Here to view the schedule of all 12 sessions for The Compass Program.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Helping Your Employees to Stay Positive!

First, ask yourself...Would you like your employees to stay positive during tough times?

When things are tough and success is harder to achieve, often times the first things to be affected is our confidence, self-esteem, encouragement and motivation. We have all been there before where our attitude might be affected by external factors. Sometimes when we are going through a rough patch, all of a sudden we begin to expect things to go wrong, and we lack the confidence that we can successfully right the ship. Having these feelings doesn't make you a weak person - just normal!

When things are tough and you feel your employees might begin to feel this way, one of the best things any manager or leader can do is make sure your employees are aware of their Proof Points, which are small victories that they have already achieved that prove to them they are doing the right things, heading down the right path. A few things you can do to make sure your employees are keeping aware of their Proof Points is to try holding weekly meetings to openly reward and encourage victories, keep providing positive feedback, and post accomplishments around the office so that they are visible to them and others.

When you can help remind others of the things they have already accomplished, it helps to build the confidence that they can accomplish much more. Plus, openly communicating Proof Points helps to show them that they might be closer to achieving their goals than they originally thought, which will have a significant impact on their motivation and attitude!

**This week's tip was taken from "Being Positive & Resilient" which is the December session of The Compass Program. Click Here to view the schedule of all 12 sessions for The Compass Program.