Saturday, July 18, 2009

Being Positive & Resilient

First, ask yourself...
Do you ever wish that you had more control over certain things in your life?

In today's business world, people who are proactive are the ones who experience the most success. Constant change is necessary in order to improve ourselves, others around us, and our companies. It is important to remember, however, that we cannot change things that we are unaware of or refuse to admit.

The ability to change, be proactive, have a positive attitude, grow, and ultimately achieve success first starts with our mental state. Without being aware and really taking control, we are conceding to the idea of being a victim in life, simply allowing life to "happen to us." If we ever find ourselves in this state, we need to pause, take a step back, and evaluate what is going on. We should ask ourselves questions, like: How is what is happening right now affecting me? What do I really want to achieve in this situation? What are all of the potential outcomes - both positive and negative?

When we are fully aware, we are conscious, awake, and paying attention to the things that are happening all around us. We are able to put ourselves in a position where we can proactively live our lives, rather than having to react to them.

This tip written by Jeff Rosset, President of Compass Coaching & Development. To learn more about Compass C&D, visit

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